Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-05: News Headlines

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-05). Condenan a implicados en intento de magnicidio del presidente Nicolás Maduro. Detonaron cargas explosivas para atentar contra la vida del jefe de Estado, en momentos en que hablaba durante un acto público en Caracas el 4 de agosto de 2018.

Staff (2022-08-05). Comisión de la Verdad: Estados Unidos sabía sobre los "falsos positivos" de Uribe. La Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia informó este jueves sobre la publicación de más de 15.000 documentos de inteligencia del estadounidense sobre el conflicto armado y el narcotráfico en el país suramericano, que sirvieron de insumo para la construcción del informe final del órgano transicional.

TeleSUR, JL (2022-08-05). øCuáles son los retos que tendrá Gustavo Petro como presidente. Gustavo Petro asumirá la Presidencia en medio de la agudización del conflicto social y armado.

TeleSUR, MCS, JGN (2022-08-05). Suspenden a comandante de policía por muerte de jóvenes en Colombia. La Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) ha situado en 6.402 la cifra de víctimas de los llamados falsos positivos.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-04). Oficina de DD.HH. de ONU en Colombia condena asesinato de líder campesino. Suman 110 los líderes asesinados en Colombia en 2022, y 1.337 desde la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz en 2016.

Staff (2022-08-04). Punto Deportivo: Cuba y sus últimas actuaciones en el deporte rey (+ Video). Esta semana regresa la sección Punto Deportivo en su formato audiovisual. Por ello dedicamos la emisión al atletismo. En un primer momento, analizamos el reciente campeonato mundial de Oregón, Estados Unidos. Luego, actualizamos sobre la participación cubana en el mundial sub-20, que acoge por estos días la ciudad colombiana de Cali.

TeleSUR (2022-08-04). Holding Venezuelan Gold in the Bank of England is a Robbery. On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro called the retention of Venezuelan gold deposited in vaults at the Bank of England an act of piracy and theft. | RELATED: | "The gold inside the Bank of England's vaults belongs to the Central Bank of Venezuela," Maduro said, adding that his administration will continue to protest against abuses, sanctions, and the seizure of Venezuelan assets abroad. | "The world must know…

TeleSUR (2022-08-04). Venezuelan Court Condemns 17 for Attack on President in 2018. Those guilty were charged with detonating explosive charges to attempt against the life of the head of state at the time when he was speaking at a public event in Caracas on August 4, 2018. | Sectors of the Venezuelan right organized the assassination attempt perpetrated on August 4, 2018, from which the Venezuelan President emerged unharmed, who was quickly protected by his escort.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-04). Colombia Witnesses One of the Worst Killing-Sprees of 2022. Tanya Wadhwa According to INDEPAZ, 59 massacres have been perpetrated and 110 social leaders and 31 ex-combatants of the FARC assassinated in 2022 so far. (Photo: Radio Nacional CO/Twitter) According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), 20 citizens were murdered in six massacres in the past 10 days. Five social leaders and…

TeleSUR (2022-08-04). Peru: Castillo Denied Leave to Attend Colombian Inauguration. The plenary of the Peruvian Congress denied on Thursday the permission requested by the president of that country, Pedro Castillo, to travel to Bogota to attend the inauguration of the head of state-elect Gustavo Petro. | Peruvian President Pedro Castillo attends the military parade on the occasion of the national holidays today, at the Army headquarters in Lima (Peru). The country celebrates the 201st anniversary of its Independence.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-08-04). Perú y México fortalecen relaciones comerciales y de inversiones. Tras la visita, el canciller mexicano viajó a Bolivia, donde estará hasta el sábado próximo. El domingo presenciará la asunción del presidente electo colombiano Gustavo Petro.

____ (2022-08-04). US wants to 'steal' Venezuelan plane grounded in Argentina. TEHRAN, Aug. 04 (MNA) — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has condemned a call by US for Argentina to seize a Venezuelan cargo plane that has been grounded in Buenos Aires for nearly two months, saying Washington wants to "steal" the aircraft.

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-08-04). Comisión colombiana revela racismo institucional en conflicto. La Comisión de la Verdad ha señalado que el Estado, quien ha desprotegido a los pueblos étnicos, ha respaldado a las élites económicas y políticas.

La Peña (2022-08-04). Wednesday 8/24: Afro-Colombian Rhythms Workshops. La Peña Cultural Center…

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-04). Presidente Maduro califica como robo la retención del oro venezolano en banco inglés. El pasado 29 de julio el Tribunal Supremo de Londres denegó al Estado venezolano el acceso a las 32 toneladas de oro que permanecen retenidas en el Banco de Inglaterra.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-04). Venezuela califica como robo retención de oro en banco inglés. El pasado 29 de julio el Tribunal Supremo de Londres denegó al Estado venezolano el acceso a las 32 toneladas de oro que permanecen retenidas en el Banco de Inglaterra.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-04). Canciller mexicano inicia visita a Bolivia como parte de gira. El colofón de la gira ocurrirá el próximo domingo, cuando asista a la toma de posesión del presidente electo de Colombia, Gustavo Petro.

_____ (2022-08-03). Most 'Fact-Checking' Organizations Facebook Uses In Ukraine Are Funded By Washington. Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). | In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, and Meta (Facebook's official name) announced it had partnered with nine organizations to help it sort fact from fiction for Ukrainian, Russian and other Eastern European users. These nine organizations are: StopFake, VoxCheck, Fact Check Georgia, Demagog,…

Ana Perdigón (2022-08-03). Chinese Investors Acknowledge Venezuela's Special Economic Zones Law. Venezuelan National Assembly Deputy Nicolás Maduro Guerra, president of the Venezuela-China Parliamentary Friendship Group, has reported that the Organic Law of Special Economic Zones will be presented to Chinese private investors. | The presentation of the Special Economic Zones Law arises from China's interest in exchanging experience and knowledge and strengthening projects in Venezuela. | Deputy Maduro Guerra made these comments af…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-08-03). Venezuela Condemns Pelosi Taiwan Trip, Reaffirms 'One China' Principle. Caracas has reinforced diplomatic ties with Beijing and its recognition of Taiwan "as an inalienable part of China's territory."

2022-08-05 13:41 | 09:41 EST | tr | 22 | 3 | 13 | 4 | 0 

2022-08-04: News Headlines

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-04). Oficina de DD.HH. de ONU en Colombia condena asesinato de líder campesino. Suman 110 los líderes asesinados en Colombia en 2022, y 1.337 desde la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz en 2016.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-04). Presidente Maduro califica como robo la retención del oro venezolano en banco inglés. El pasado 29 de julio el Tribunal Supremo de Londres denegó al Estado venezolano el acceso a las 32 toneladas de oro que permanecen retenidas en el Banco de Inglaterra.

La Peña (2022-08-04). Wednesday 8/24: Afro-Colombian Rhythms Workshops. La Peña Cultural Center…

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-08-04). Comisión colombiana revela racismo institucional en conflicto. La Comisión de la Verdad ha señalado que el Estado, quien ha desprotegido a los pueblos étnicos, ha respaldado a las élites económicas y políticas.

_____ (2022-08-03). Most 'Fact-Checking' Organizations Facebook Uses In Ukraine Are Funded By Washington. Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). | In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, and Meta (Facebook's official name) announced it had partnered with nine organizations to help it sort fact from fiction for Ukrainian, Russian and other Eastern European users. These nine organizations are: StopFake, VoxCheck, Fact Check Georgia, Demagog,…

Rebekah (2022-08-03). A Proposed Wealth Tax on Colombia's 4,700+ Richest Would Raise $1 Billion.

Misión Verdad (2022-08-03). A Closer Look at Colombia's Historic Pact Party. The alliance known as the Historic Pact (PH, or Pacto Historico) —a coalition of political forces, each with its own political and organic autonomy and independence— was formed for the purpose of winning the elections in order to defend the six following principles of their program: | The defense of life and of the Colombian Peace Accords. | Economic reactivation, the defense of employment and dignity for workers. | The decomodification of social rights and the defense of the public sector. | The preservation of natural resources and the environment | Pushing towards democracy and strengthening popula…

Ana Perdigón (2022-08-03). Chinese Investors Acknowledge Venezuela's Special Economic Zones Law. Venezuelan National Assembly Deputy Nicolás Maduro Guerra, president of the Venezuela-China Parliamentary Friendship Group, has reported that the Organic Law of Special Economic Zones will be presented to Chinese private investors. | The presentation of the Special Economic Zones Law arises from China's interest in exchanging experience and knowledge and strengthening projects in Venezuela. | Deputy Maduro Guerra made these comments af…

TeleSUR (2022-08-03). Maduro: US Intends To Steal Venezuelan Plane Held in Argentina. "Now they intend to steal a plane (that is) property of Venezuela (…) By mandate of an imperial court, of a U.S. court in Florida, they intend to steal a modern cargo plane", said the Venezuelan President during a broadcast on the state-owned Venezolana de Televisión channel. | RELATED: | On June 6, the Emtrasur plane landed in Argentinean territory, where it would have delivered a cargo of auto parts of the German company Volkswage…

TeleSUR (2022-08-03). Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua Reject US Interference in Taiwan. Through a statement released on Tuesday, the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Ministry rejected the acts of interference and meddling carried out by the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi with her visit to Taiwan. | RELATED: | "We alert the international community about these actions, which constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Chinese nation and ignore Resolution 2758… wherby the…

TeleSUR (2022-08-03). Venezuela Reaffirms Pledge of Cooperation With OPEC. "We want to reaffirm Venezuela's firm will to continue to consolidate the OPEC+ cooperation mechanism," El Aissami said via videoconference during the 31st OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting. | RELATED: | In a press release, the Ministry of People's Power for Petroleum said El Aissami also praised OPEC+ efforts to maintain stability in the oil market. | The Venezuelan official said the alliance provides "opportunities f…

TeleSUR (2022-08-03). Colombia: UN HR Office Condemns Murder of Peasant Leader. One hundred ten social leaders were murdered in the South American nation in 2022 and 1,337 violently lost their lives since the signing of the Peace Agreement in 2016. | Social sectors said that leaders are murdered because they are the front line in the struggles in defense of the rights of the Colombian people. Aug. 3, 2022.

Staff (2022-08-03). øQué significan todos los elementos de la bandera de Venezuela. El 3 de agosto de 1806, el prócer independentista Francisco de Miranda tocó tierra en la Vela de Coro y ondeó por primera vez la bandera de Venezuela.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-03). Presidente Maduro recibe a representante de Cancillería china. El encuentro fue propicio para ratificar la hermandad y la solidaridad entre ambas naciones, así como el fortalecimiento de la agenda de cooperación.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-03). Ecuador y Colombia alistan simulacro por posible sismo en frontera. El Instituto Geofísico (IG) de Ecuador planteó la propuesta ante riesgo de temblores en la frontera.

Staff (2022-08-03). Cuba cierra bien primera mitad de Olimpiada de Ajedrez en Chennai. La igualdad de sus hombres con España y el triunfo de las féminas ante Colombia marcaron la sexta ronda para Cuba en la Olimpiada de Ajedrez de Chennai 2022, que reúne a más de 300 equipos sumados sus segmentos abierto y para mujeres. El principal saldo de los caribeños en el apartado abierto fue mantenerse sin derrotas.

2022-08-04 14:26 | 10:26 EST | jz | 18 | 0 | 12 | 4 | 0