2023-12-03: News Headlines

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-03). Canciller de Nicaragua destaca que Doctrina Monroe está debilitándose. telesurtv.net Destacó que su país apoya a Venezuela en el justo reclamo de esa nación por la Guayana Esequiba ante la pretensión de Guyana, junto con EE.UU, para posesionarse de ese territorio.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-03). Venezuela rechaza postura de Caricom respecto a la situación sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net Entre las acciones que Guyana debería detener, se encuentran el involucramiento del Comando Sur de EE.UU. en el diferendo, …"lo que amenaza la paz de la región".

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-03). CNE: Venezuela está lista para el referendo sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net Autoridad electoral destaca la rápida organización de esta consulta popular. Certifica que se han cumplido todos los requisitos previstos en la Constitución y las leyes.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-03). Presidente de Venezuela encabeza acto de oración por la paz y unión nacional. telesurtv.net Manifestó que frente a las dificultades Venezuela se ha crecido espiritualmente como pueblo y se ha producido un despertar de la conciencia nacional, del orgullo de ser venezolanos.

Luigino Bracci (2023-12-02). Venezuela: Government and Opposition Agree on Procedure to Review Political Disqualifications. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan government and the Unitary Platform of the far-right opposition agreed on a procedure to review the political disqualifications of opposition politicians through a legal procedure at the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ). | The parties agreed on a "procedure to ask for the review of the disqualification measures issued against several people who aspire to run as candidates in the 2024 presidential elections," stated a communiqué issued by the embassy of Norway in Mexico on Thursday, November 30. Norway is a mediator country in the negotiations between the Venezuelan government and the opposition. | Co…

mforinoco (2023-12-02). Gaza, Venezuela, and Collective Punishment: A Conversation With Medea Benjamin. orinocotribune.com The co-founder of CODEPINK draws parallels between the plight endured by Palestinians and Venezuelans. | In Venezuela, the expressions of solidarity with the people of

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-12-02). Venezuela completes campaign and economic measures. plenglish.com Caracas, Dec 2 (Prensa Latina) The closing of the Venezuela Toda campaign, the announcement of new economic measures and the agreement to establish a procedure to review the disqualification provisions issued by the Comptroller's Office, stood out in the week that ends on Saturday.

Staff (2023-12-02). International Court of Justice Rules Not to Suspend Venezuela's Essequibo Referendum. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( In a 1- Pending a final decision in the case, the Bolivarian Republic…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-02). Canciller de Nicaragua destaca que Doctrina Monroe está debilitándose. telesurtv.net Destacó que su país apoya a Venezuela en el justo reclamo de esa nación por la Guayana Esequiba ante la pretensión de Guyana, junto con EE.UU, para posesionarse de ese territorio.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-02). Venezuela rechaza postura de Caricom respecto a la situación sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net Entre las acciones que Guyana debería detener, se encuentran el involucramiento del Comando Sur de EE.UU. en el diferendo, …"lo que amenaza la paz de la región".

teleSUR, YSM (2023-12-02). Nicaragua participa en foro internacional antimperialista en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El canciller denunció que "el imperialismo, fascismo y el neocolonialismo han continuado de forma permanente con sus políticas criminales".

teleSUR, YSM (2023-12-02). Presidente Maduro lidera cierre de campaña Venezuela Toda. telesurtv.net "Campaña bonita e inolvidable, jamás vista en nuestra historia", aseguró el mandatario.

Victoria Torres (2023-12-03). Venezuela Condemns CARICOM Statement About ICJ Decision on Essequibo Referendum. orinocotribune.com Venezuela condemned the biased position of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) regarding the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) not to suspend the upcoming Venezuelan consultative referendum on the Essequibo dispute. Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil posted a statement on social media on Saturday, December 2, in which Venezuela categorically rejected the statement issued by the General Secretariat of the Caribbean Community regarding the recent ICJ ruling on the Essequibo referendum. | CARICOM backed the unusual provisional measures requested before the ICJ by the government of Guyana a…

Brian Mier (2023-12-03). Essequibo Referendum Reaches Half-Way Point With No Incidents. telesurenglish.net At the noon half-way mark of Venezuela's historic referendum today, authorities reported no major problems. Citizens began lining up before sunrise to vote on a referendum on the fate of the nation's long-standing territorial claim over Essequibo, a sparsely populated 160,000 km ≤ area of rainforest that lies on the border with Guyana. | RELATED: | "Today we all have the same power, namely, the power of national sovereignty. Our nation is…

Brian Mier (2023-12-03). Venezuelans Vote on 5 Questions in the Essequibo Referendum. telesurenglish.net On December 3, millions of citizens across Venezuela are heading to the polls to vote on an important referendum to decide on the fate of the province of Guayana Esequiba. | RELATED: | According to the National Electoral Council (CNE), more than 20 million Venezuelans are eligible to cast their votes in 15,857 polling centers in 23 states, 335 counties and 1,141 parishes in a process that started this morning at 06…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-03). Minuto a minuto del referendo consultivo sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net Un total de 15.857 centros de votación y 28.027 mesas están completamente a disposición de los electores y electoras a partir de las 06H00 horas en todo Venezuela.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-12-03). Avanza referéndum consultivo sobre el Esequibo en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente del CNE, Elvis Amoroso, dio un balance de cómo se ha desarrollado hasta el momento la jornada consultiva sobre el Esequibo este 3 de diciembre.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-12-03). Autoridades venezolanas resaltan participación en referéndum. telesurtv.net "Lo que estamos viendo en el desarrollo de esta jornada es que la gente toda salió a votar", afirmó Delcy Rodríguez.

teleSUR (2023-12-03). Essequibo Referendum Is a National Awakening: President Maduro. telesurenglish.net During a press conference held after casting his vote, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that the referendum is an extraordinary moment in the country's electoral history because all the factors come together in a single force: the defense of the Venezuelan rights on the Essequibo territory. | RELATED: | "As Venezuelans, today we are not voting as the opposition or the ruling party. We are not voting as center,…

teleSUR (2023-12-03). Essequibo Referendum Kicks Off Throughout Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, over 20 million Venezuelans have been called to participate in the consultative referendum for the defense of Essequibo. | RELATED: | The National Electoral Council (CNE) installed 15,857 voting centers and 28,027 polling stations throughout the country. | This democratic process will take place in the 23 Venezuelan states and in the Capital District. At the national level, citizens will be able to participate in 335 mu…

teleSUR (2023-12-03). President Maduro Casts His Vote in the Essequibo Referendum. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro attended a polling station in Caracas to cast his vote in the Essequibo referendum. | RELATED: | "I exercise my right to vote in the historic Consultative Referendum for the defense of our Guayana Esequiba," he said when voting at the Simon Bolivar ecological school. | "It is not a time for weakness and meanness. It is a time for national unity and great consensus. It is time to move forw…

teleSUR (2023-12-03). Referendum Update: We're Going to Say 'Yes' to History: Cabello. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, over 20 million Venezuelans have been called to participate in the consultative referendum for the defense of Essequibo. The National Electoral Council installed 28,027 polling stations to serve citizens from 6 am to 6 pm. Below are the main events as they occur: | RELATED: | 12: 45: Venezuelan United Socialist Party President Diosdado Cabello cast his vote in the consultative referendum in defense of Essequib…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-12-02). AN venezolana responde a decisión de CIJ sobre Esequibo. telesurtv.net El Parlamento destacó su convicción de que todo el pueblo de Venezuela acudirá masivamente a las urnas el próximo domingo en defensa de su soberanía.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-12-02). Venezuela celebra decisión de CIJ sobre referendo del Esequibo. telesurtv.net Autoridades de Venezuela ratificaron que los derechos sobre el territorio de la Guayana Esequiba son irrenunciables y que el 3 de diciembre la población irá a votar.

teleSUR, MER (2023-12-02). Presidente Maduro destaca que ha triunfado la verdad de Venezuela sobre referéndum en defensa del Esequibo. telesurtv.net El mandatario ratificó la posición de Venezuela de no reconocer a la CIJ como mecanismo para dirimir la controversia por el Esequibo.

teleSUR (2023-12-02). Has the relationship Guyana-Venezuela always been bad?>. telesurenglish.net The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana enjoyed of short periods of diplomatic ties and mutual coordination in topics like the economy, especially during the government of Hugo Chavez, who agreed to the sale of fuel on preferential terms within the framework of the PetroCaribe initiative. | RELATED: | In 2010, the Essequibo was a peace zone, and the two neighbor Republic accorded the sale of th…

teleSUR (2023-12-02). Venezuela: Electoral Campaign Ends in View of the Referendum for Essequibo. telesurenglish.net This Friday, in a multitudinary act in Caracas, the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro closed the National Electoral Campaign for the next December 3 consultative referendum, also he started the Dry Law in all the National territory. | RELATED: | "We have witnessed the most admirable, most beautiful campaign that has ever been seen in two centuries of history in Venezuela, Long live the national union! We cannot avoid the h…

teleSUR (2023-12-02). Venezuela Rejects CARICOM Position of Support Guyana. telesurenglish.net Yván Gil: Venezuela categorically rejects the statement issued by the Secretariat of the (CARICOM) regarding the pronouncement of the International Court of Justice in relation to the measures requested by the Government of Guyana. | The communique makes a call on he CARICOM partner countries to return to good judgement and objectivity.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-12-03). Presidente Maduro llama a votar en el referendo consultivo por el Esequibo. telesurtv.net "Es un proceso sencillo, donde el país está decidiendo su posición histórica", subrayó el mandatario tras emitir su voto.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-03). Inicia en Colombia octava Conferencia de la Vía Campesina. telesurtv.net Con el lema: "¡Frente a las crisis globales construimos soberanía alimentaria para asegurar un futuro a la humanidad!", la vía campesina busca concretar nuevos enfoques.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-02). Inicia en Colombia octava Conferencia de la Vía Campesina. telesurtv.net Con el lema: "¡Frente a las crisis globales construimos soberanía alimentaria para asegurar un futuro a la humanidad!", la vía campesina busca concretar nuevos enfoques.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-03). In COP28 speech, Colombian President Gustavo Petro calls for a free Palestine. peoplesdispatch.org The Colombian head of state has been consistently speaking out in support of Palestine amid Israel's genocidal attacks. At the COP 28 summit, he pointed out that the devastation wreaked on Gaza was a harbinger of what might happen to those fleeing from climate catastrophes…

english.almanar.com.lb (2023-12-02). Iran Vows Regrettable and Tough Response if Israeli Aggression Continues. english.almanar.com.lb Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian cited the regional resistance leaders as pledging to confront the 'Israeli' regime more decisively if 'Tel Aviv' resumed its war against the Gaza Strip. Making the remarks in a phone call with his Omani counterpart Sayyid Badr Albusaidi on Friday, Amir Abdollahian underlined that during his last week's trip …

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