2023-12-20: News Headlines

kwjorinoco (2023-12-20). President Maduro: There Must Be Justice for Palestinian People. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the Palestinian people deserve justice. He labeled as "monstrous" the massacre suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli occupation in Gaza and denounced it as "an uncontrolled genocide." | "Humanity has to always remember who the criminals were, what crimes they committed, and sooner rather than later there must be justice," he stated on Monday, December 18, during the 30th episode of his TV program Con Maduro+. | President Maduro added that more than 7,000 children have been victims of the Israeli bombardment throughout the Gaza Strip. "This i…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Venezuela's Foreign Minister: Canada's Interference in Essequibo Dialogue is Hostile (+UK). orinocotribune.com

Francisco Dominguez, Morning Star. (2023-12-19). Guyana-Venezuela Dispute: The Background And Opposing War. popularresistance.org If there were any misgivings about the actions undertaken by the government of Venezuela around the territorial dispute with Guyana, the joint military exercises between Guyana Defence Forces (GDF) and the US Southern Command (SouthCom) explain what really lies behind things. | Venezuela's claimed territory, also known as Guayana Esequiba, is 159,500 square kilometres west of the river of the same name. SouthCom (the Pentagon) never intervenes in territorial disputes, unless the territory in question contains resources of geopolitical importance for US imperialism.

Staff (2023-12-19). Venezuela's Foreign Minister: Canada's Interference in Essequibo Dialogue is Hostile (+UK). orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Foreign Minister Yván Gil spoke out to condemn the interference of the government of Canada in the country's internal affairs; in particular, in the border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo territory. | Gil responded this Monday, December 18, via social media, to his Canadian counterpart Mélanie Joly, and noted that Canada's intervention in the territorial dispute is hostile and a provocation. In addition, Gil noted that the Essequibo dispute is not Canada's concern. | Likewise, he warned that the peaceful route defined by the 1966 Geneva Agreement would not be altered, which is…

teleSUR, MER (2023-12-19). Presidente venezolano: tuvimos un gran triunfo de la diplomacia para la paz. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que han puesto el tema del Esequibo en el primer lugar de la prioridad para que Venezuela recupere sus derechos históricos.

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2023-12-19). Year 2023 In Review For Latin American And The Caribbean. popularresistance.org December 2 marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year include a world economic slowdown, a continuing drug plague, and a more aggressive hegemon reacting to a more volatile and disputed world order. | The progressive regional current, the so-called Pink Tide, slackened in 2023 compared to the rising tide of 2022, which had been buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-12-19). Denuncian nuevo asesinato de líder social en el Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC) denunciÓ que todos los anuncios de los diálogos de paz no se han materializado en los territorios.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-19). Ejecutaron a un líder social en Colombia, van 183 asesinados. telesurtv.net El líder social asesinado fue identificado como Carlos Alberto Romero Martínez, quien había denunciado varias amenazas de muerte en su contra.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-12-19). Denuncian dos masacres en un día en Caldas y Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net La Defensoría del Pueblo "advierte sobre el accionar armado de distintas estructuras orientado al control de economías ilegales como el microtráfico".

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