2024-01-19: News Headlines

teleSUR (2024-01-19). Venezuelan President Orders Activation of Special Plan for Defense of the Homeland. telesurenglish.net "Venezuelan military, maximum vigilance, maximum union and let's be prepared for any aggression against the Venezuelan Homeland." | The President ordered the entire military high command to immediately activate the civic-military plan "Plan Furia Bolivariana" in the national territory with the purpose of responding to any aggression and coup action. Jan. 18, 2024.

Staff (2024-01-19). Thousands of Deaths in Venezuela as Result of CITGO's Robbery. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan deputy minister for anti-blockade policies, Willian Castillo, made a series of statements regarding the actions taken by the local far-right opposition, following Washington's directions to make the Venezuelan economy "scream" in order to unsuccessfully oust Chavismo from power. The senior official informed that the robbery of CITGO has caused thousands of deaths. | "The country would not understand that justice is not applied after this brazen, criminal robbery, which caused thousands of deaths in Venezuela," Castillo stated this Wednesday, 17 January, during an interview by Venezolana de Televisi…

Staff (2024-01-19). Venezuela's National Assembly to Investigate 400 People for $70 Million CITGO Theft. orinocotribune.com In Venezuela's National Assembly ordinary session this Tuesday, a special commission was installed to investigate the opposition parties that participated in the dispossession of CITGO. This instance is headed by the first vice president of parliament, Pedro Infante, and seeks to determine who was responsible for stealing $70 million from CITGO. | Infante pointed out this Tuesday, January 16, that at least 400 people would be investigated for events related to what he described as the largest robbery that has been perpetrated against the nation. | The Domain Forfeiture Law will be applied to those responsible, wh…

scorinoco (2024-01-19). President Maduro: We Have to Preserve Peace, Not Fall For Provocations. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people to be attentive and not to fall into the provocations of the extreme right in order to preserve peace. "Nobody should be complacent, we are at peace but we must take care to preserve it," he said. | "The plan of the extreme right is to start a violent coup, they have no other plan," President Maduro said on Thursday, January 18, referring to the

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Gobierno venezolano se enfoca en consolidar el ingreso de los trabajadores. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el sector obrero constituye "el puntal de los procesos de recuperación económica".

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-19). Venezuela recibe selecciones para el torneo preolímpico de fútbol. telesurtv.net El ministro del Deporte de Venezuela, Mervin Maldonado aseguró que a está todo listo para empezar el torneo de fútbol.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-19). Venezuela y Tanzania refuerzan lazos de cooperación. telesurtv.net Este encuentro formó parte de la agenda de ambos funcionarios en el marco del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal), con sede en Uganda.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-01-19). Presidente Maduro denuncia a la CIA y la DEA por preparar actos desestabilizadores contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado anunció la puesta en marcha del Plan Furia Bolivariana y convocó a la máxima movilización popular.

Cira Pascual Marquina (2024-01-19). Vicissitudes of grassroots media: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part II). mronline.org A documentary filmmaker long associated with the Bolivarian Revolution talks about the history of its audiovisual production and the challenges ahead.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-01-19). Meeting between Colombian president and Pope to focus on peace. plenglish.com Bogota, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Peace will be the main topic at the meeting between Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Pope Francis in the Vatican on Friday, according to a press release posted on the website of the Presidency.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Reportan sismo de magnitud 5,6 en Colombia. telesurtv.net Medios locales comunicaron que el sismo fue perceptible desde la costa pacífica hasta la costa atlántica.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Petro propone al papa Francisco diálogo con ELN en el Vaticano. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano aseguró que el papa está de acuerdo" en que se den "pasos más profundos en los Acuerdos de Paz".

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-19). Gobierno de Colombia y EMC-FARC culminan tercer ciclo de diálogos. telesurtv.net En el ciclo que terminó se consignó el quinto acuerdo entre las delegaciones negociadoras, que establece el alto al fuego hasta el 15 de julio próximo.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-01-19). Asesinan a líder social en Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net El presidente Gustavo Petro lamentó la muerte Fidel Antonio Hernández, a través de su cuenta en X, y resaltó su accionar como líder del Pacto Histórico y de su campaña en Apartadó.

Editor (2024-01-19). Concerns Grow Over Global Cholera Trends. scheerpost.com Cholera patients are treated at a center operated by USAID/OFDA grantee Partners in Health in Mirebalais, Haiti, on Jan. 26, 2011. Photo from Wikimedia by Kendra Helmer/USAID. | By Peoples Health Dispatch / Countries in eastern and southern Africa are bearing the brunt of the ongoing global cholera resurgence. In 2023, these countries accounted for 75% of the fatalities and one-third of the c…

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