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2024-08-22: News Headlines

mforinoco (2024-08-22). OAS Tries To Put Pressure on Venezuela, ALBA-TCP and ALBA Movements Call for Respect of Venezuela's Sovereignty. The nearly-defunct OAS held a special session on Friday to discuss the situation in Venezuela and passed a US-proposed resolution on the same day. | On Friday, August 16, the Organization of American States, OAS, passed a resolution to request that the Venezuelan CNE publish the electoral tallies from the July 28 presidential election. The The resolution was proposed by the Un…

mforinoco (2024-08-22). OAS Tries To Put Pressure on Venezuela, ALBA-TCP and ALBA Movements Call for Respect of Venezuela's Sovereignty. The nearly-defunct OAS held a special session on Friday to discuss the situation in Venezuela and passed a US-proposed resolution on the same day. | On Friday, August 16, the Organization of American States, OAS, passed a resolution to request that the Venezuelan CNE publish the electoral tallies from the July 28 presidential election. The The resolution was proposed by the Un…

diegoramos718 (2024-08-22). The Weakness of Progressive Latin American Governments in These Precarious Times. Unwilling to accept election results in Venezuela, the OAS, led by the US, passed a resolution essentially asking the country to violate its own election laws. Many countries with supposedly centre-left or left governments have joined the US in proposals that seek to undermine Venezuelan democratic processes, a reflection of the contradictions confronting the current progressive cycle of governments and weakness of the left in Latin America today.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-08-22). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

Staff (2024-08-22). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Venezuela en batalla contra el imperio y el golpismo. La situación actual de Venezuela y el enfrentamiento de la Revolución Bolivariana a las fuerzas del golpismo y el imperio tras la victoria electoral del 28 de julio serán punto de análisis en la Mesa Redonda de este jueves, con la participación del Embajador de Venezuela en Cuba, analistas y periodistas.

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