Monthly Archives: September 2021

2021-09-04: News Headlines

Graziella Pogolotti (2021-09-03). "Derrotamos la ultraderecha fascista, dirigida por el imperialismo" En este importante momento de transición para la revolución bolivariana, que está dialogando con la oposición golpista, ante las megaelecciones del 21 de noviembre, entrevistamos a uno de sus cuadros políticos más representativos, el exministro Eduardo Piñate, miembro de la …

Staff (2021-09-03). Colombian Congress Sabotages Return of Monómeros to Venezuela. Colombian congressmen are asking the government of Iván Duque to "protect Monómeros," Venezuela's second-most significant asset abroad, located in Colombia. Monómeros was illegally transferred to representatives of former deputy Guaidó by Colombian authorities—in violation of all international and local regulations—as a component of the failed US-led Guaidó project. | The representative for Colombia's Atlántico department, Cesar Lorduy, proposed that Colombia expropriate the company or sell it to private investors, in order to prevent Venezuela from recovering it, clear evidence of the criminal mindse…

José A. Amesty R. (2021-09-03). Colombia viola derechos humanos de migrantes venezolanos. La violación de los Derechos Humanos en Colombia, es pan de todos los días. Por ejemplo, en mayo de 2021, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), durante el desarrollo de las protestas en el país neogranadino, solicitó una visita…

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2021-09-03). Desaprobación de Iván Duque alcanza el 75 % en Colombia. El 77 por ciento de los ciudadanos consultados considera que la situación social en Colombia está empeorando.

Eve Ottenberg (2021-09-03). The Campaign to Destroy Venezuelan Socialism. For those skeptical of U.S. corporate media coverage of Venezuela, the question often pops up — why? What is the purpose of such venomous commentary? The obvious and indeed paramount answer is the overthrow of a socialist government and its replacement with something that resembles the Colombian hall of horrors: "A multigenerational civil war, the

Gabriel Vera Lopes (2021-09-03). Venezuela: una "amenaza inusual" La ronda de negociaciones iniciadas en México el pasado 13 de agosto, entre representantes del gobierno de Venezuela y distintas facciones de los principales bloques de la oposición -aglutinados en la recientemente constituida Plataforma Unitaria de Venezuela- tendrá un segundo…

jz 2021-09-04 08:36 | 04:36 EST | 6 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0

2021-09-03: News Headlines

Eve Ottenberg (2021-09-03). The Campaign to Destroy Venezuelan Socialism. For those skeptical of U.S. corporate media coverage of Venezuela, the question often pops up — why? What is the purpose of such venomous commentary? The obvious and indeed paramount answer is the overthrow of a socialist government and its replacement with something that resembles the Colombian hall of horrors: "A multigenerational civil war, the

Staff (2021-09-03). Colombian Congress Sabotages Return of Monómeros to Venezuela. Colombian congressmen are asking the government of Iván Duque to "protect Monómeros," Venezuela's second-most significant asset abroad, located in Colombia. Monómeros was illegally transferred to representatives of former deputy Guaidó by Colombian authorities—in violation of all international and local regulations—as a component of the failed US-led Guaidó project. | The representative for Colombia's Atlántico department, Cesar Lorduy, proposed that Colombia expropriate the company or sell it to private investors, in order to prevent Venezuela from recovering it, clear evidence of the criminal mindse…

José A. Amesty R. (2021-09-03). Colombia viola derechos humanos de migrantes venezolanos. La violación de los Derechos Humanos en Colombia, es pan de todos los días. Por ejemplo, en mayo de 2021, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), durante el desarrollo de las protestas en el país neogranadino, solicitó una visita…

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2021-09-03). Desaprobación de Iván Duque alcanza el 75 % en Colombia. El 77 por ciento de los ciudadanos consultados considera que la situación social en Colombia está empeorando.

Anonymous103 (2021-09-02). Iranian Oil Diplomacy Projects Tehran's Influence On The Levant Amid Fuel War. Illustrative ImageUnder severe US sanctions, Iran will need to cooperate with Beijing and Moscow to promote peace and prosperity in the Levant region. | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. | In Tehran, Hadi Bayginejad, a member of the Iranian parliament's energy committee, stated on Sunday that Iran must supply fuel to its allies, such as Syria, Lebanon, and Venezuela, which Iranian authorities describe as me…

Staff (2021-09-02). European Union 'Welcomes' Radical Opposition's Decision to Participate in 21N Regional Elections. On Wednesday, September 1, the European Union (EU) welcomed the decision of the radical Venezuelan opposition, united under the group of parties known as G4, to participate in the regional elections of November 21, and reiterated that the European body is studying the possibility of sending an electoral observation mission. However, many Venezuelans see the G4 decision as an order that its leaders received from the US and the European Union. | After the Venezuelan radical opposition coalition announced its position on the upcoming elections, the spokesperson for the European Commission for Foreign Affairs, Peter…

Minnie Bruce Pratt (2021-09-02). Venezuela workers send solidarity to Nabisco strikers. Workers of the Sisotrokraft Union at the Mondelez factory in the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela sent a solidarity message Aug. 28 to striking Nabisco workers in the U.S. Both the U.S. and the Venezuelan workers are employed by Mondelez International, Inc. Venezuelan workers employed by the same multinational company . . . |

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2021-09-02). David Smolansky and Delsa Solórzano Reject Electoral Route Chosen by G4. David Smolansky issued a call from Washington—where he lives—through his Twitter account, asking his followers not to participate in the 21N regional elections. The opposition's divisions are so intense in every field that they do not even make an attempt to hide them. This fugitive from Venezuelan justice continues his political operations from the United States. | Not only Smolansky called for abstention: the political operator Carla Angola—a Venezuelan extreme-right journalist based in Miami—also attacked Guaidó and other opponents. They expressed their frustration that Guaidó and the G…

jz 2021-09-03 21:49 | 17:49 EST | 8 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 0