2022-07-28: News Headlines

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-07-28). JEP imputa a diez militares colombianos por crímenes de lesa humanidad. telesurtv.net Los imputados están acusados de asesinar a 46 víctimas en Dabeiba e Ituano, los cementerios más señalados por albergar "falsos positivos".

TeleSUR, ACH (2022-07-28). Conoce algunos cambios que trajo Hugo Chávez a Venezuela. telesurtv.net El líder venezolano implementó profundos cambios sociales y llevó al resto del continente su diplomacia de paz contra la injerencia de EE.UU.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-28). Indepaz pide solidaridad contra ataques a policías colombianos. telesurtv.net En 2022 han sido asesinados 35 policías por esta práctica a manos de bandas armadas, paramilitares y el "Clan del Golfo"

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-07-28). Presidente de Venezuela clausura coloquio Bolívar y San Martín. telesurtv.net "Un encuentro lleno de luces que ha hurgado en la profundidad. Un encuentro de dos titanes, el encuentro de los dos gigantes", dijo el presidente sobre la reunión entre los dos próceres.

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-07-28). Venezuela y Qatar profundizan relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net El diálogo bilateral abordó el intercambio comercial y nuevas inversiones, así como las perspectivas para mejorar la cooperación y el impulso de proyectos comunes.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-07-27). Rechazan asesinato de dos indígenas ecuatorianos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Los cadáveres de los indígenas del pueblo Kichwa fueron identificados como Franklin Armando Tocagon y Miguel Quilumbaqui Sanchela.

Fight Back (2022-07-27). Take action to free Colombian revolutionary, political prisoner, Simón Trinidad. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Simón Trinidad. | Simón Trinidad, a Colombian revolutionary and political prisoner of the U.S. empire, will have his 72nd birthday in solitary confinement in a federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. Simón Trinidad, born Ricardo Palmera, is languishing in prison after a bogus extradition to the United States in 2004, convicted on trumped-up charges, and sentenced to 60 years. He has been requested by the Special Peace Jurisdiction Court (JEP) in Colombia to help rebuild his country toward a peace with justice…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-07-27). Venezuela: Maduro Alerts Army of New 'Terrorist Threats' from Colombia. venezuelanalysis.com The Venezuelan mandatary urged the National Bolivarian Armed Forces to defend the country's peace and transition to economic recovery.

Staff (2022-07-27). Argentina Judge Orders Release of Cargo from Grounded Venezuelan Plane. orinocotribune.com An Argentine judge has ordered the release of the cargo of a Venezuelan plane that has been detained in Argentina since June 6. | On Monday, July 25, the federal judge of Lomas de Zamora, Federico Villena, ordered the Argentine Customs to allow all cargo and merchandise to be released from the detained Boeing 747-300, loaded with parts of cars for automobile companies in Argentina The plane is owned by Emtrasur, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan state airline Conviasa. Although Conviasa is on the United States list of sanctioned companies, Emtrasur has no sanction measures against it anywhere in the world. | The…

Staff (2022-07-27). Iran to Grow Food on a Million Hectares in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Venezuela has agreed to provide Iran with one million hectares of agricultural land for food growing projects, Iranian officials confirm. | On July 26, Iran's deputy interior minister for economic affairs, Mohsen Kushki Tabar, praised on the agricultural agreement signed between the two countries, which is part of the 20-year cooperation plan signed during the visit of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to Tehran, Iran's capital city, in June. | The Iranian official has stated that this agreement, which was inked amid the crisis of food reserves in the world, "shows that the strong and great Iran has reached a l…

Staff (2022-07-27). Venezuela Ratifies Its Support for Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (+New Ambassadors). orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ratified the support of his administration for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), during the farewell event for the ambassador of SADR in Venezuela, Mohamed Salem Daha Lehbib, who held this position since 2013. | At the event held in Miraflores Palace on Monday, July 25, President Maduro bade goodbye to Lehbib, whom he thanked for his work in the difficult and complicated past few years. | "We share blood and dreams with Mother Africa and, above all, the hope that sooner rather than later we will see the cause of independence of the Sahrawi Arab people emer…

Staff (2022-07-27). Venezuela's Electoral Authority to Provide Technical Support for Primaries Only Upon Political Parties' Request. orinocotribune.com Caracas, July 26, 2022 ( Regarding opposition primary elections, Marquez—with clear connections with Venezuela's far-right opposition—pointed out that the CNE is not directly involved in these elections, and he clarified that Venezuelan political parties are not obliged to use the electoral authority's expertise for these internal elections. | During an interview with journalis…

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-27). FMI proyecta mejora de crecimiento económico para Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net El organismo atribuye este ligero incremento a la recuperación de las economías de Brasil, México, Colombia y Chile fundamentalmente.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-27). Explosión de coche bomba deja dos policías heridos en Colombia. telesurtv.net En lo que va de año 34 agentes policiales han sido asesinados y otros 68 heridos debido a la violencia desatada por grupos residuales armados.

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-07-27). Colombia emite alerta sobre aumento de viruela símica. telesurtv.net Fernando Ruiz recalcó que el autocuidado y la percepción de riesgo son fundamentales para prevenir la viruela del mono.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-07-27). Venezuela advierte sobre nuevas amenazas desde Colombia. telesurtv.net "Alerta todo el sistema policial de inteligencia, contrainteligencia y seguridad, alerta, porque todo lo hacemos por la paz de Venezuela", indicó el presidente Maduro.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-27). teleSUR analiza modelos contrahegemónicos de información. telesurtv.net El periodista y académico colombiano Omar Rincón conversó con Rolando Segura, director de la Escuela de teleSUR.

TeleSUR- jaa- JL (2022-07-27). Senado de Colombia ratifica el Acuerdo de Escazú. telesurtv.net La ratificación del Acuerdo recibió 74 votos a favor y 22 en contra, ahora se debatirá y votará en la Cámara de Representantes.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-07-27). Lula da Silva recibe a la vicepresidenta electa colombiana. telesurtv.net Durante su visita, la vicemandataria electa colombiana conoció los programas de inclusión social implementados por los gobiernos de los expresidentes Lula da Silva y Dilma Rousseff.

Staff (2022-07-27). Francia Márquez, vicepresidenta electa de Colombia, se reunió con Lula. cubadebate.cu El expresidente brasileño y favorito para las presidenciales de octubre, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y la vicepresidenta electa de Colombia, Francia Márquez, conversaron el martes en San Pablo sobre la coyuntura latinoamericana y mundial, las elecciones y las perspectivas del gobierno de Gustavo Petro.

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