2024-05-23: News Headlines

Staff (2024-05-23). Headlines for May 23, 2024. democracynow.org Israel Continues to Decimate Gaza's Hospitals, Storming Al-Awda and Bombing Kamal Adwan, Mike Johnson Pressures Schumer to Endorse Netanyahu Invitation to Congress Amid Democratic Objections, U.S., Israel Condemn Recognition of Palestinian State, as Colombia Announces Embassy in Ramallah, Two Progressive Dems Lose Oregon Primaries After AIPAC-Tied Group Funds Opponents, China Starts Major Military Drills Around Taiwan After Inauguration of New President, U.K. Prime Minister Calls Surprise July Election, Maritime Tribunal Issues Ruling Holding Governments Responsible for Ocean Pollution, Judge Blocks Part of…

mforinoco (2024-05-23). Interview With José Pimentel, Venezuelan Peasant Leader and Land Defender. orinocotribune.com By William Camacaro — May 15, 2024 | We had the opportunity to meet with an iconic leader of the Venezuelan campesino movement in the city of San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela. José Pimentel is a well-known defender of land rights. For this reason Pimentel has been the target of at least three assassination attempts by large landowners. | While there is no consensus on the true number, it said that hundreds of peasants in Venezuela have been assassinated for defending their legally sanctified rights to the land they work. Some estimate that more than 500 peasants have been murdered for their compliance with…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-05-23). National Endowment For Democracy continues to weaponize human rights. mronline.org The latest example is its pressing for release of John McCain pallbearer from Siberian jail while it ignores a socialist arrested by the Ukrainian intelligence services and another socialist who was murdered.

latintimes (2024-05-23). 30-year Prison Terms In Venezuela Over Alleged Coup Attempt. latintimes.com

latintimes (2024-05-23). At Mercy Of Cartels, Thousands Of Mexicans Seek Refuge In US. latintimes.com Last year, nearly a third of migrants intercepted at the southern US border were Mexican — around 740,000 — more than from Venezuela, Guatemala or Honduras, according to the International Organization for Migration.

latintimes (2024-05-23). Colombia Declares 'Protected Archeological Area' Around Treasure-laden Shipwreck. latintimes.com The San Jose was owned by the Spanish crown when it was sunk by the British navy near Cartagena in 1708. Only a handful of its 600-strong crew survived.

latintimes (2024-05-23). 30-year Prison Terms In Venezuela Over Alleged Coup Attempt. latintimes.com A sea-borne incursion dubbed Operation Gideon was foiled by Caracas in May 2020, with eight participants killed by the military.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-05-23). Colombia seeks to stimulate youth employment through tax benefits. plenglish.com Bogotá, May 23 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Ministry of Labor will launch a program aimed at conferring tax benefits to employers who include young people on their payrolls, according to an announcement from the entity.

teleSUR (2024-05-23). Venezuelans March in Merida in Support of President Maduro. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, citizens residing in the state of Merida took to the streets to reject the U.S. sanctions against Venezuela and support President Nicolas Maduro. | RELATED: | Thousands of people from the municipalities of Santos Marquina, Libertador, Campo Elias and Sucre walked the streets of downtown Merida to support the Bolivarian Revolution. | "The people of Merida are in the streets to celebrate together the victory of P…

teleSUR (2024-05-23). Colombian President Petro Rejects Far-Right Call for Coup. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Colombian President Gustavo Petro rejected former President Alvaro Uribe's calls for an uprising of the Armed Forces against his administration. | RELATED: | Previously, the far-right politician suggested that Petro was not really interested in the fight against irregular groups and that the Colombian Armed Forces should act independently of what the President wants. | In response to the calls for a coup d'état, Petro reminded…

teleSUR (2024-05-23). Venezuela: Operation Gedeon Members Sentenced to 30 Years. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, a Venezuelan court with jurisdiction over terrorism sentenced 20 people to 30 years in prison for their participation in the failed maritime incursion of May 2020, when the far-right opposition attempted a military invasion. | RELATED: | Another nine people received 21-year prison sentences for Operation Gideon, whose purpose was to create conditions for a coup against President Nicolas Maduro. | The members of Operati…

tvbrics (2024-05-23). Venezuela and China sign co-operation agreement. tvbrics.com It deepens the strategic alliance partnership between the two countries in Caracas…

aljazeera (2024-05-23). Colombia's Petro orders opening of embassy in West Bank's Ramallah. aljazeera.com Petro had recalled the Colombian ambassador from Tel Aviv, where the embassy was closed on May 3.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-05-23). Condenan a implicados en operación terrorista Gedeón en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El fiscal general informó que fue dictada una sentencia de 30 años de prisión para 20 personas y otra de 21 años para 9 más.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-05-23). Venezuela apoyará a Irán tras muerte del presidente Raisi. telesurtv.net Hemos presentado honores a los mártires que hoy despedimos, y más allá de las emociones hemos podido valorar la fortaleza y robustez de nuestra amistad y colaboración", indicó el canciller Yván Gil.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-23). Venezuela y China acuerdan promover y proteger inversiones mutuas. telesurtv.net Permitirá que las empresas de China dispongan de un marco regulatorio en la nación suramericana y que las venezolanas puedan invertir en el país asiático.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2024-05-23). Población de Mérida expresa apoyo al presidente Nicolás Maduro. telesurtv.net La marcha guiada por el gobernador del estado, Jehyson Guzmán, y miembros de las estructuras de organización de las fuerzas revolucionarias.

teleSUR, MER (2024-05-23). Presidente de Venezuela entrega obras en varios estados. telesurtv.net Fueron entregadas obras en estados como Mérida, Miranda, Yaracuy y Bolívar, así como en la capital, Caracas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-05-23). Petro desestima llamado de la derecha colombiana a un golpe de Estado. telesurtv.net Durante los dos períodos de gobierno de Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) se produjo un aumento en la violación de los derechos humanos y la discriminación hacia estudiantes y académicos.

teleSUR, MER (2024-05-23). Venezuela y China fortalecen relaciones de cooperación. telesurtv.net Previamente, la vicepresidenta ejecutiva y el viceministro de Comercio de China firmaron un Acuerdo de Promoción y Protección Recíproca de Inversiones.

teleSUR, ahf, MER (2024-05-23). Marchan para exigir el cese de las sanciones en Apure, Venezuela. telesurtv.net En la movilización del pueblo de San Fernando también estuvo el vicepresidente del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-05-23). Venezuela recuerda aniversario 25 del programa "Aló, Presidente" telesurtv.net "Aló, Presidente", marcó un hito mundial, por primera vez los venezolanos escucharían a un mandatario conduciendo un programa.

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