2024-01-03: News Headlines

Staff (2024-01-02). President Maduro: Chavismo Has Not Yet Selected Its Presidential Candidate. orinocotribune.com This Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro spoke about the political climate ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, scheduled for the last months of this year. | President Maduro made these comments in his first interview of the year, given to journalist Ignacio Ramonet and published by the Mexican newspaper He was asked about his possible presidential candidacy for the Unit…

Staff (2024-01-02). Venezuela's Economy Grew 4.5% in 2023 as Forecast by ECLAC. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed that the Venezuelan economy grew by 4.5% as forecast by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). | "The Central Bank has not provided the figures yet, although they tell me that ECLAC's expectation of 4.5% has been met. There have been 10 consecutive quarters of growth despite the blockade, and with our own investment," President Maduro said during an In the interview, publi…

Staff (2024-01-02). President Maduro: Chavismo Has Not Determined Its Presidential Candidate. orinocotribune.com This Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro spoke about the political climate ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, scheduled for the last months of this year. | President Maduro made these comments in his first interview of the year, given to journalist Ignacio Ramonet and published by the Mexican newspaper He was asked about his possible presidential candidacy for the Uni…

Earl Bousquet (2024-01-02). Cuba, Guyana, Venezuela Start 2024 Celebrating New Beginnings! telesurenglish.net The 24th Year of Century 21 blasted-off with Cuba, Guyana and Venezuela all celebrating new beginnings after an eventful 2023 in the three Caribbean and South American nations. | RELATED: | Cuba observed the 65th Anniversary of its 1959 Revolution, Guyana celebrated continuing unprecedented exponential economic growth and Venezuela reported a tenth consecutive quarter of economic grow…

teleSUR, YSM (2024-01-02). Presidente Maduro ordena repliegue militar de Fuerza de Tarea Sifontes. telesurtv.net El mandatario reconoció las acciones que la FANB realizó en defensa y resguardo de la soberanía y la paz de Venezuela.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-01-02). Presidente Maduro destaca construcción de un mundo multipolar. telesurtv.net En los espacios de la casa natal de El Libertador Simón Bolívar, en Caracas, el periodista e intelectual Ignacio Ramonet entrevisto al mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, MER (2024-01-02). Síntesis 2023: referéndum en defensa del Esequibo en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral, Elvis Amoroso, destacó la "victoria abrumadora" del Sí al presentar los resultados.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2024-01-03). Asesinan a concejal del municipio de Tuluá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El político, miembro del Partido Conservador, había sido reelecto el 29 de octubre de 2023 para un tercer período en el cargo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-01-03). Colombia cerró el 2023 con un total de 95 masacres. telesurtv.net Según Indepaz, las víctimas de la masacre fueron secuestradas el pasado 28 diciembre por un grupo de hombres armados en el departamento de Nariño.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-01-02). Deadly violence against Colombia's leaders remained high in 2023. colombiareports.com Deadly violence targeting Colombia's human rights defenders and community leaders maintained in 2023, according to data by think tank Indepaz. According to the non-governmental organization, 188 social leaders were assassinated…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-02). Colombia reporta su primer firmante de paz asesinado en 2024. telesurtv.net Justo la víspera cerró la cuenta del año anterior en 45, con lo cual sumaban, hasta ese momento, unos 408 desde la firma de la paz con las FARC-EP en 2016.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2024-01-02). Asesinan a concejal del municipio de Tuluá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El político, miembro del Partido Conservador, había sido reelecto el 29 de octubre de 2023 para un tercer período en el cargo.

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